Ko Chung-Ming an acclaimed photojournalist, documented the 2019 Hong Kong Protests. Despite challenges due to age and physical limitations, his powerful images captured the conflicts and emotions of the demonstrations. Later, he shifted focus to recording police brutality, resulting in his award-winning series “Wounds of Hong Kong.” Recently, Ko relocated to Taiwan, continuing his work on the Hong Kong diaspora. His photography highlights social issues like poverty and homelessness, earning him recognition such as the WYNG Masters Award.
Ko Chung-Ming is a guest artist in Hello Nei Hou Ma, providing insights as a member of the wider HK diaspora community beyond Australia.

著名攝影記者高仲明記錄了 2019 年的香港抗議活動。 儘管受到年齡及體力的限制,但他強大的影像捕捉了示威的衝突和情緒。 後來,他將注意力轉移到記錄警察的暴行上,製作他的得獎作品《港殤》。 最近,他移居台灣,在離散香港人社區繼續他的工作。 他的攝影作品尤其顯現貧困和無家可歸等社會問題,為他贏得 WYNG 大師獎等認可。
Ko Chung-Ming 是「Hello你好嘛?」文創當代藝術展客座藝術家,提供澳洲以外更廣泛的香港人社區的見解。


Beyond the Revolution of Our Times 後時代革命
2021 – 2023

Documentary Photography, 23 Photograph Series
Dimensions variable